Monday 7 December 2015

The Trip To Stuart Islands!

"YAY!! I can't believe we are leaving the North Island to go to Stuart Islands!!" I said to My Mum, and she was like "I know I have only been to Rarotonga and Australia now STUART ISLANDS!!!" and I was like "I know and I've been to Aussie!!" Then Papa walked in with Malakai and said "STUIE STUIE STUIE, STUIE, STUIE, STUIE!" and I said "BE QUIET!!!" Then Papa taped my ticket to the ceiling and it was too high for me to reach!! Did I mention I am short?
I grapped a chair and put my step on it and grabbed my ticket and we went to Stuart Islands!

If you want to see me read this here is the link and it wold be very appreciated if you subscribe to me!! Thanks! Here it is! 

Tuesday 1 December 2015

W7T4 Reflection-Weekly!

What: Today Room 2 went to badminton with Mr. Feast and it was SUPER DUBER FUN!! Also AJ, Ella, Jennie, Madison.c and I went in Room 5 on Tuesday because of inter school athletics!

So What: I learnt how badminton people pick up their shuttles!

Now What: My goal for next week is to put my work on the checklist and to be more quite!